Jefferson Weaver • I Saw America
I saw America the other day. Her pigtails were sweaty, and her cleats clanked on the floor of the store. Her knees were muddy but her ball cap was straight. I have no idea what [Read More]
I saw America the other day. Her pigtails were sweaty, and her cleats clanked on the floor of the store. Her knees were muddy but her ball cap was straight. I have no idea what [Read More]
The things I take for granted are things they never knew. I am writing these words in a comfortable, air conditioned office, despite the thermometer soaring to sinful levels. I had a good supper last [Read More]
It had been two months of sorrow and rejoicing. My father-in-law had passed away at the end of May, and his death stood as a reminder of the loss of my own father who had [Read More]
I knew and dreaded that flapping sound, and immediately began looking for a safe place to change a flat tire. It was hot, almost nastily so, and I gave up all hope of remaining respectable [Read More]
Several times a week, she chases my car. She always stays on the yard side of the ditch in front of her home. She always stops and runs back to her mother when she’s called. [Read More]
On this edition of The Columbus Connection, Jefferson’s commentary on the renaming of Fort Bragg, the local job market in Columbus County and opportunities for your people, and mistakes in Raliegh including his thoughts on [Read More]
Time is a funny thing. The concept of measuring time was created by man, since we couldn’t be satisfied with looking up, holding a hand parallel to the horizon and figuring if the day was [Read More]
They stand frozen in time, two men far younger than I am now, Gary Cooper-esque smiles under dark eyes. The taller of the two is my grandfather, W. Thomas Weaver. My dad was 2, leaning [Read More]
It’s the middle of Teacher Appreciation Week as I write this, and I’ve been thinking about the teachers I’ve had in my life. It has been a minute or two since I was in high [Read More]
On a daily basis, I feel sorry for some folks. In this particular case, it was a lady in a much larger city, in another part of the state. As the saying goes, she ain’t [Read More]
It had been a particularly frustrating week piled on top of another similarly pestiferous seven days. I did beat the sun to the draw on that lovely spring Saturday morning, but the coming days didn’t [Read More]
Since I got wrapped halfway around a tree whilst canoeing out of our house during Hurricane Matthew, my back has never quite been the same. Sometimes it’s even less the same than others, if you [Read More]
This week Jefferson has no guest in the studio. This week Jefferson has commentary on various local topics including the Columbus County Sheriff’s Race. THE COLUMBUS CONNECTION with Jefferson Weaver is a weekly public affairs program [Read More]
They know, just as surely as if they had a calendar. Their tails wag more; some bounce at the sight of any truck. Others bay constantly, even more than a normal hound whose life revolves [Read More]
The weather front came in the night, dropping temperatures thirty degrees in a matter of hours, announcing the onset of real fall weather with a curtain of blowing, cold rain. It was the type of [Read More]
This week on The Columbus Connection Jefferson has no in-studio guest. Instead, this week Jefferson gives his thoughts and opinions on various topics. THE COLUMBUS CONNECTION with Jefferson Weaver is a weekly public affairs program produced [Read More]
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