Man charged with revenge porn

Christopher Harold Jacobs
Christopher Harold Jacobs

A Chadbourn area man has been jailed for sharing intimate pictures of a woman without her permission.

Christopher Harold Jacobs, 40, was arrested on warrants drawn by Det. A. Dicicco on five counts of disclosing private images, commonly called “revenge porn.” Jacobs is being held under $25,000 secured bond. His address was listed as 114 Pine Tree Lane, Chadbourn.

Jacobs is alleged to have shared pornographic photographs of an ex-girlfriend with her family members and others. Jacobs allegedly transmitted the photos via text message in August. He was arrested Sept. 4.

Revenge porn is a felony in North Carolina. Columbus County News treats revenge porn as a sex crime, and in the majority of cases does not reveal the name of the victim.

About Jefferson Weaver 2710 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at