One of the most popular playgrounds in downtown Whiteville will reopen next week.
Outside areas at the Museum of Science will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 22, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The museum announced the plans on social media last week, after Gov. Roy Cooper eased some COVID-19 stay-at-home guildelines.
The Museum will be only opening outdoor spaces, including the Nature PlaySpace, N.C. Tree Trail, and Fossil Pit during the initial opening period. The Museum Store and restrooms will be open, but the labs and displays will remain off limits.
The museum will be open Tuesday through Saturdays. “Enhanced cleaning” will take place several times per day, according to a press release. Additionally, play items that can be checked out from the visitor’s desk will be cleaned and sanitized by museum staff after each use.
Visitors are encouraged to follow the “Three Ws” as outlined by the N.C. Dept. of Health and Human Services – wear a cloth face covering; wait in line at least six feet away from others, and wash hands frequently or use hand sanitizer.
Visitors can still enjoy virtual visits through the Museum Facebook page at facebook.com/NCMNSWhiteville, which features live programming, do it yourself activities, and videos.
For more information visit the Museum website at naturalsciences.org or following the Museum on social media (@NCMNSWhiteville). You can also email at whiteville@naturalsciences.org.