Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV
My father always said the same thing to me as I was leaving. He would say, “Act like somebody.” His admonition was something he heard from the Andy Griffith Show and it continued up until he passed away some 16 years ago.
“Act like somebody.” I have often thought about those words. My father and I discussed them a few times and our discussion always ended back at the passage from 2 Corinthians 5:17 which says, Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. His admonition was for me to behave and act like I had some sense, but what he really meant was that I was to act like I knew better.
When we become a new creation in Christ, our old self is gone, and the new self has arrived. Boy, how I wish it were that simple! It has taken all of my life to get me to this point – the point where I act as if I know better. I still don’t always meet that standard, but I try.
The old self is hard to let go of. It hangs on for quite a while. The new self in Christ struggles to have dominance in my life. However, I now know better and am responsible for my actions and my behavior. I truly am somebody in Christ. My old self has passed away – the sinful nature and behavior should fade into the background and disappear as we become more mature in Christ. Our new self relies upon the Holy Spirit to lead us and shape our behaviors as we grow in our faith. Yes, it is a process and a slow one, at that. However, it is a process that should become more and more evident each day that we live for Jesus!
I will never forget how my father told me to “act like somebody.” But now, as I think about the somebody that I am, I am reminded that I am a new creation in Christ, and my behavior should reflect that newness – even at 60 years old – even after being a Christian for over 50 years!! Think about it!
Jefferson,I meant to say you and Elvis dont have any words in common when it comes to describe the highly esteemed hound dog!I cant agree with Elvis about the hound not being a friend of my!Be Blessed!!