Christmas is almost here, but without community support some families won’t get to experience the joy this magical time of the year brings. Consider donating to a charity or adopting a family this holiday season.
Columbus County Sheriff’s Office presented Community CPR with $1,825.00 for the annual Adopt a Family program. This is the second year that Columbus County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with Community CPR and the disAbility Resource Center to adopt local families that need assistance to provide Christmas gifts for their children. This money was collected from the deputies, investigators, and detention staff that participated in No Shave December. There are families that still need adopting. If you are interested in helping one of the remaining families, please contact Community CPR at 910-625-7221.

The Child Advocacy Center for Columbus County is in need of eight-ounce bottles of water and blankets. Donations can be dropped off at the CAC in Whiteville at 219 North Lee Street, or at the Boys and Girls Home at Lake Waccamaw located at 400 Flemington Drive during business hours.
The Veteran’s Memorial Park is asking that as you shop on Amazon this year for Christmas, please consider choosing the organization as your charity on the Amazon Smiles tab. Amazon will donate .05 percent of every purchase you make to the charity of your choice at no cost to you.

Tabor City had a successful weekend with their first ever Cookie Crawl. There were 25 boxes purchased and 22 stores who participated. There was also Christmas cookie decorating for the kids at Lake Tabor Lodge before the Christmas on the Lake flotilla began. The Grinch was there to meet and greet the children.

Congratulations are in order for Whiteville Police Department’s Brianna Wright Blanks. Even while being pregnant, giving birth, and being out on maternity leave, she received her General Law Enforcement Certification. She is married to Whiteville firefighter Marquise Blanks, and together they have son named Malachi.

Pierce & Company in Hallsboro will have special guest on Dec. 18. Santa will be flying in for a visit from 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Folks are invited out to bring your little one and get their picture taken. The store is located at 4229 Sam Potts Highway in Hallsboro.
The Elizabethtown and Tar Heel fire departments will be having a Boston butt sale on Saturday, Dec. 18 to benefit Emma Melvin. She is the daughter of firefighters Dustin and Caitlin Melvin who was diagnosed with severe idiopathic aplastic anemia in October of this year. The condition causes the immune system to destroy bone marrow resulting in numerous blood, platelet, and bone marrow transfusions. Donations will also be accepted and appreciated. For more information, call 910.862.4586 or 910.862.4075.
The Lake Waccamaw Depot Musem will be having their annual Christmas bake sale and raffle on Dec. 18 beginning at 9 a.m. There will be cakes, pies, crescents, cheese balls, and other items available for purchase. Pecan pies, lemon pies, coconut pies can be preordered now. Call by Dec. 13 to pay for and reserve your dessert. Contact the museum at 910-646-1992
Tabor City Baptist Church will be presenting a Christmas cantata on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 6 p.m. The program is entitled “There is Peace in the World Tonight” and will be performed by the adult choir. The church is located at 200 Live Oak Street in Tabor City. For more information, call 910.653.2029.

If you haven’t been out to see some Christmas lights, Lu Mill Vineyard will be having their annual drive-thru Festival of Lights on Dec. 18 from 6 p.m.-10 p.m. The cost is $10 per person, and children ages 5 years old and younger get in free. Tickets can be purchased the day of the event at the ticket booth. The vineyard is located at 438 Suggs Taylor Road in Elizabethtown.
Whiteville First Baptist Church on Madison Street will hold a Live Nativity on Wednesday, Dec. 22. The church will offer three performances. One at 6 p.m., 6:45 p.m., and one at 7:30 p.m. For more information, call 910.642.2139.
There will be a Community Blessing meal distribution on Friday, Dec. 24 from 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. at Tabor City Middle School. All are welcome. The school is located at 200 Orange Street in Tabor City.

Families First would like to wish Columbus County a very Merry Christmas. The organization and their facilities will be closed from Dec. 24- Jan. 2, but if you or someone you know needs services, please call the crisis hotline at 910.641.0444.
You still have a few days to visit the Real Whiteville Santa at his house beside Farm Bureau in uptown Whiteville. Santa will be taking orders and visiting with friends through Thursday, as he has for decades.
The children of New Life Community Church will be having their Christmas presentation on Sunday, Dec. 19 at 10:30 a.m. Come out and see the play, and stay for the sermon. The church is located at 107 Maultsby Street in Whiteville.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.