The mystery of how fruits and vegetables get from seed to plate will be solved at the Columbus County Parks and Recreation’s latest clinic “Bees, Butterflies, and Blooming Beauties.”
This special enrichment class will educate youth on pollinator habitats, reversing the decline of pollinator species, and protecting agricultural economies and the food supply.
The clinic will run from July 11-13, at 9:30-11:30 a.m., at different locations each day. The Columbus County Arts Council will host participants on Monday. Tuesday, the group will meet at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Whiteville. Wednesday will be the final day of the clinic, and everyone will be gathering at the Columbus County Farmer’s Market and Fitness Park. A free snack will be provided each day.
Spots are limited to 20 participants, so registration is required. Parents are asked to call 910.640.6624 to sign their children up for the pollinator enrichment clinic.