The Pecan Harvest Festival is in full swing today in downtown Whiteville. There’s music, vendors, food trucks, the car show and more. Remember the parade is at 11, and that will cause some traffic uses between the courthouse and downtown. Grab the family and head out for a good time.
Sunday is the Nakina Veterans Parade at 2 p.m. The annual tradition is the only parade you can watch twice, as the procession has to make a U-turn. Next Saturday is the second annual veterans celebration parade at 11 in downtown Whiteville. Make sure you catch the Columbus connection today on KOOL 1039 and on Spotify to find out more about this big event.
Today (Saturday, Nov. 4) is the Holiday Bazaar at New Life Community Church on Maultsby Street. There will be popcorn, handmade and homemade gifts of all kinds (even fishing lures), Scentsy products, a community yard sale and more. Hours are from 9 until 1.
Tabor City Fire Auxiliary is holding their barbecue and bake sale today, Nov. 4, at the fire station from 10 until 4 p.m. Plates are $10. Call 653.4160 for more information.
There’s also a pork chop plate sale benefitting cancer patient Laike Watts November 18 at the Tabor City fire station. Miss Laike is a beloved media specialist at Tabor School. Call 840.9940 for more information.
Saturday, November 11, is Veterans Day. The Veterans Memorial Park will hold a special ceremony at 9 a.m. at the park. The park’s annual “Lest We Forget” dinner dance is Saturday night at 5 p.m. at the Clarkton Entertainment Center. Call 840.3848 or 840.5207 for more information.
Columbus Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is hosting the annual Shuck and Shag dinner and dance Thursday at Vineland Station from 5-9 p.m. There will be chili, oysters, peel and eat shrimp. Brunswick stew, dancing, raffles and more. Tickets are $50. Call the chamber at 910.,642.3171.
PreK classes at Acme Delco Elementary had a fun time last week decorating pumpkins. The gourds were donated by Northwest Land and Cattle Company.
The Sheepdog Foundation is hosting a meet and greet for women an interested in its female self defense class on Nov. 15. Contact Mike and Alicia Myrie with the Sheepdog Foundation via Facebook.
The Columbus Community came together this past week through the hard work of Wallyce Todd and Community CPR. Matt Smith and his team came together to make sure a CPR Client had a warm travel trailer with a hot shower available AND a washing machine hookup. Community CPR, WARM NC, Coastal Horizons, Flourishing Families, Columbus County Forum, Catholic Charities – Cape Fear Office and others worked together to make it happen.
The Whiteville Christmas Parade is still accepting entries for the parade and extravaganza. Vendor spaces are still open, but they are filling up fast. Applications are due by November 22. For more information go to whitevillenc.gov or email ecross@ci.whiteville.nc.us.
McMullen House for Heroes is raffling off a gun safe. Tickets are $10. Tractor Supply donated the gun safe to the group. Contact Marcia DeRush or Brian Locklear via Facebook.
It’s turkey shoot time. We have a whole section dedicated to turkey shoots at Columbus county News dot Com. Cherry Grove Baptist is holding the last night of their shoot TONIGHT. It’s $5 per round, and there’s even a BB gun shoot for the little kids. All proceeds go to the church’s youth programs. The shoot is at 6 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 4.
Be sure to send us your turkey shoot information to jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.comn or contact us via Facebook so we can promotore your event.
There’s always room for your church news, club events, pageant winners, Good Samaritan stories, little kids with big fish, or happy stories of any kind. Tag Columbuscountynews.com on a social media post, send us a message, email Jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison with all your happy stories.