Council to Vote on Flood Buyouts Tonight

Madison Street was blocked downtown Wednesday when high water led to stalled cars and debris.

More than 100 properties damaged by flooding from Hurricanes Matthew and Florence, as ell as other storms, could soon become city property.

Whiteville City Council tonight is expected to vote to approve the flood buyouts, which are being funded through state hurricane relief money.

The program is managed through the state Dept. of Public Safety, Office of Recovery and Resiliency. The buyouts are all voluntary.

Existing homes or other structures in the project area will be demolished, and the property turned into open space. Any future development by the city would have to conform to floodplain guidelines.

The properties stretch from Stanley Circle to Virgil and Walter streets, along with MLK Drive, plus  McGill, J.K. Powell Boulevard, Burkhead, Maultsby and Pinewood.

  Some of the property in question will immediately be adapted for use as part of the Mollie Branch drainage and wastewater project. The branch cuts directly through the west side and frequently tops its banks during heavy rains. The city is currently in the planning stages for the next phase of improvements along Mollies Branch.

About Jefferson Weaver 2685 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at