A woman arrested for driving while impaired Sunday near Bolton had three children in her vehicle.
Samantha Fletcher, 42, of 710 N. Franklin St., Whiteville, was held under $1,000 secured bond for driving while impaired, three counts of misdemeanor child abuse, a seatbelt violation and a child restraint violation, according to detention center reports. She was booked shortly after midnight.
Fletcher was arrested by a deputy on Andrew Jackson Highway South in Bolton minutes after Fulton Best, 47, told deputies he had been robbed at gunpoint by a red-haired woman with blue eyes. The female suspect took a quantity of prescription medications from Best in the parking area of the Bolton Church of God, and fled the scene.
Fletcher, whose intake sheet said she has red hair and blue eyes, was driving a vehicle matching that of the alleged bandit’s car when she was stopped. Deputies found crystal meth, a glass pipe, and three children in the vehicle with her, the report said.
The investigation is continuing.