We have some lovely spring time weather going on, despite the occasional shower. Get out there this weekend and enjoy all our county has to offer.
The Bogue and Hallsboro communities are invited to help a new beautification effort for the community park May 18. Volunteers are asked to bring lawn tools, cleaning supplies, etc. Lunch will be served.
The workday is being held ahead of the second annual Memorial Day weekend celebration. “A Day at the Park” is set for May 25 from 1-5 p.m., with music and family fun. There will be a raffle for cash and gift baskets. The “Weekend Wrapup” will be Sunday, May 26 from 2-4 p.m. with food, fun, games and entertainment. Call 910.646.4448 for more information.

If you see folks catching alligators at Lake Waccamaw next week, don’t worry. Biologists from the Wildlife Resources Commission will be in town tagging and documenting gators at the lake. They’re always willing to talk about our resident dinosaurs, but please keep your distance while they’re wrangling, and ask if you can get closer.
Saturday is the deadline for bids on the framed Harley Davidson print being auctioned off by the Veterans Memorial Park of America. See the link in this story under the GOOD NEWS tab at Columbus County news dot com for more information. The park has a lot going on this week.
Next Friday is the annual Veterans Luncheon at the park. All veterans eat for free, and guests are asked to make a $10 donation. Events start at 11 a.m. with a special ceremony. Contact Angela at 910.840.3848 for more information and to reserve your place.
The Monarch Meetup is Saturday at Penn’s Grill in Whiteville. You can get information and free supplies to help encourage butterflies and other pollinators. Contact Lisa Yemma via Facebook for more or just drop by Penn’s between 11 a.m. and 1. p.m.
The Columbus County Community Farmers Market is open every Saturday, with local produce, eggs, baked goods, artisans, and other local products. The market is located on Government Complex Drive in North Whiteville. Hours are from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.

Fair Bluff’s Village Market is the first Saturday of every month on the Riverwalk. Crafters, produce vendors, yard salers and artisans of all kinds are welcome. Contact the chamber of commerce for more.
United Bank in Whiteville has partnered with the Carolyn’s Kaleidoscope Child Advocacy Center to collect needed supplies and donations for the center. The top requested items are blankets and adult sized white t-shirts. Donations will be accepted at the Whiteville branch until May 31.
The 2024 Watermelon Festival will be the last one with downtown Fair Bluff as it is now. Multiple historic buildings will be coming down after the festival. In fact, the town delayed demolition for the 2024 festival. Some of the buildings will be replaced with more flood resistant structures. A ribbon cutting is set for June 21 for one of the newest buildings.
Operation Lifesaver recently helped reunite an elderly man with his family. The program uses an electronic monitoring system to help the sheriff’s office keep track of people with cognitive impairments. If you’d like to donate toward another monitor, or want more information about Operation Lifesaver, call 910.642.6551.

Columbus County Animal Protective Services had some unusual visitors this week – baby eastern screech owls. The tiny owlets were rescued after their nesting tree was destroyed in one of the tornados. A good Samaritan brought the birds to APS, who contacted a local wildlife rehabber. The owlets are now at Sea Biscuit Wildlife Refuge in Oak Island. When they are ready to be released, they’ll be brought back to columbus county.
Bess Hinson Taylor’s Songbirds of Columbus County exhibit is on display at the Columbus Arts Council through May 30. Hinson’s artwork depicts every bird species found in our county. The exhibition is free. The arts council is located at 822 South Madison St., Whiteville. Hours vary, so check their Facebook page for specific times and special events.
Carolyn’s Kaleidoscope of Hope Child Advocacy center and the Boys and Girls home will sponsor the Kaleidoscope of Hope benefit evening May 31. Dress is informally fabulous or colorful. Tickets are $75 each or $100 a couple. See the Home’s Facebook page or go to boys and girls home dot org for more.
Willing Vessels Ministries will hold a chicken bog benefit dinner June 1 at Murf’s Pawn on Madison Street in Whiteville. Proceeds will go to a local widow who is unable to work due to an extended illness. Plates will be $10.
We always have room for your church news, civic club activities, pageant winners, festivals, birthday and anniversary events, little kids with big fish, Good Samaritan stories and just about anything that will make you smile. Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com, PM us on the Columbuscountynews Facebook page, call 910.914.6156, or just come by our office at 1015 South Madison street in downtown Whiteville.