Dear Mr. President,
I am pleased that you have returned to the White House. I admit that in your first election, I wasn’t sure about you, but you far exceeded my expectations and honestly, surprised me. I admit I regretted my reluctance in voting for you the first time. The politicians have been in charge of so much for so long that what America can be and should be had been forgotten, and too many people no longer cared.
You changed that, and I appreciate it.
I do not think I have ever written two letters to a president before now. I have to say I am happy to have the privilege.
Our country needs you, sir, but I think you know that.
For the last four years, we have watched as screaming activists and subtle leftist elitists pushed for more murder of unborn children, fewer freedoms for those who dared disagree with the electeds, the normalization of drag queens and encouraging tiny children and primary school kids to decide they are gay. They have harped on how women can be men, and vice versa, and the rest of society should kowtow to their delusions.
Some of us have watched in horror as the U.S. was dragged into overseas fights which was not our own, largely because Russia knew America lacked the leadership in Washington to even know where we did and didn’t have military forces around the globe.
We saw what was once the greatest law enforcement agency in the world reduced to a bureaucracy of jackbooted minions who could harass parents that disagreed with school boards and literally seize pocket-size copies of the Constitution while raiding the homes of people who supported you. Yet somehow outside of a few sacrificial lambs, those who burned and looted cities in 2020 are not prosecuted.
We saw what was largely an inherently dishonest media working with social media to embarrass and cancel the voices of those in the public square who dared exercise their First Amendment rights in what was deemed the wrong way by the “right” people.
We were governed by a sad, senile old man whose family should be charged with elder abuse who was propped up beside a cackling corrupt California DEI queen whose only true qualifications shouldn’t have mattered: her gender and race. His last minute pardons were an affront to our country and a slap in the face to all Americans.
You are inheriting a mess, President Trump, but I have confidence in you.
Those who work hard for a living were forced to pay for the student loans of people with degrees in subjects never even discussed outside of universities. Those same workers were also being asked to finance billions in aid projects overseas while people here at home pitched tents in zero degree weather because illegal aliens used up money set aside for disaster relief.
Speaking of illegal aliens, I hope you will be as merciful as you can be to those who truly are just trying to make a better life for their families. Yes, they broke the law, but quite a few deserve a second chance, the chance to become productive citizens and be Americans. Not amnesty, but a second chance.
As for the others – the criminals, terrorists, cartel gang members, rapists, and child molesters – well, they are in my opinion a threat to every law-abiding citizen in this country, and should be dealt with accordingly. I think if a few of them get what is coming to them, the rest will be begging for a chance to go back to where they came from.
Despite the fact that we might not agree on everything (I loathe golf) and we might not even get along on a personal level (I’m willing to bet we would), I think you are up to the challenge of stopping our country’s downward descent, and even fixing it so we can ascend again to where America should be on the world stage.
I don’t think we should annex Canada or Greenland, unless folks there want to be Americans, but we can be stronger beside them, rather than having a trade deficit or an open military flank, respectively.
As far as the Panama Canal, one could argue that the treaty ending the Mexican War in 1848 actually ceded everything from the Rio Grande to the Isthmus of Panama to the United States. Taking back the canal and indeed Panama would naturally mean annexing Mexico and everything in between. In addition to making America not just energy independent but a dominant producer, that could solve a lot of our problems down south, produce a lot of tax revenue, allow American law enforcement to deal with the drug cartels, and deny China and Russia a foothold. I’m no global strategist, but it is just a thought.
I sincerely hope, Mr. President, that you keep your word and do not exact vengeance on your enemies within and without the government; at the same time, I sincerely hope your new Justice Department will ferret out every single person involved in turning the FBI into an “American” Stasi. That includes those who manipulated the courts and the powers of their select committees to produce results that they wanted, instead of actually seeking the truth.
I hope that those who have been unjustly targeted have recourse against those who bankrupted them and hurt families over things as simple as a post on social media.
You have already shown the ability to think and work outside the box; enlisted Marines everywhere rejoiced at your choice of a former NCO as vice president, and an actual ground-pounding grunt warrior for Secretary of Defense. The Department of Government Efficiency, run by private citizens who can’t be bought or blackmailed or bullied, is a stroke of brilliance if it can defeat the entrenched bureaucracy.
Plus, quite honestly, when you were shot, you didn’t cower. You stood and raised your fist in defiance. That is as American as it gets, sir.
That gesture alone gave millions of us hope.
Lastly, sir, I want to ask you to change course from the path followed by many presidents. I am not saying you should totally disregard the powerbrokers and the wealthy, or the teeming cities, but I hope you will truly spend much more of your valuable time with the average Americans in the small towns and the country.
One of the greatest governors of my home state would literally have his chauffeur take him for rides down random country roads so he could talk to farmers and small business owners. It helped him better understand the true needs and concerns of the people of North Carolina, and made us a better state (for a long time, anyway).
I know you can’t just pop out for a joyride down a dirt road on a Sunday afternoon, but I hope you can and will make the time to meet more of the people who truly want to make our country great again.
The owner of the diner who is up at 4 a.m. every day, trying to balance paying her people and the bills, while keeping her meals tasty and reasonably priced.
The farmer who is trying to figure out how to pay for repairs on a tractor that can only be fixed by a dealer, while being regulated into bankruptcy by scientists who’ve never felt dirt between their fingers or seen a cornfield in a drought.
The single mom or dad trying to raise good kids in a bad neighborhood.
The police chief who patrols his town because he can’t match the pay new hires can get in big cities, if he can even find someone who still wants to be a police officer.
I have no doubt, sir, that your truly love your country. Your predecessor loved a nightmare version of this country that stifled freedom and personal responsibility. He attempted to disarm the American populace, and when that failed, he mocked and insulted parents, workers and gunowners. He placed small but loud special interest groups above other citizens. He even somehow thought that he could magically declare a constitutional amendment ratified, and with the stroke of a pen remove student debt.
All the while he was enriching himself and rewarding our enemies and the most un-American men and women. He went so far as to pardon his son and others for crimes that may or may not have happened years ago, just in case there was something the lawyers and honest media missed, while keeping grandmothers and veterans locked up in jail for trespassing and making mean posts on the Internet.
I hope, Mr. President, that you learned who to trust in your last term. I believe you did, the hard way.
And I sincerely hope, sir, that you can bring us together and bring back an even better version of America than what we were. As the kids say, the haters will hate. The naysayers and the talking heads and the feral swine with talk shows will degrade and attack you. Some in your own party will work behind the scenes against you.
But you have a majority of Americans behind you, and they all want to see you bring us back, bigger, stronger and greater than ever.
Know, sir, that our family is praying for you, and we’ll be behind you. We trust you. For what it’s worth, we’ll call you out if we think you’re wrong. At the same time, it’s good to have a president again who isn’t threatened by dissent, but instead wants what is truly best for all Americans – not just those who can vote next election, but their children and grandchildren.
Please don’t make me wrong, sir.
And anytime you want to take a joyride down a back road and find the real America, let me know.
Jefferson Weaver