Bundle up and get outside – even if you missed the first day hike at Lake Waccamaw, you have two more opportunities to get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors today.
• The Museum of Science will host a walk along the Lumber River Saturday in Fair Bluff. Meet at the boat ramp at 10 a.m. Park at the visitor’s center. The boardwalk is wheelchair accessible. You can find out more about the Lumber River, flood control efforts, and the diverse species of wildlife along the river.
If the riverwalk might be too challenging, bring your little ones to the minihike Saturday along the tree trail at the museum. A facility educator will lead the 2:30 p.m. hike where you can find out more about the museum as well as looking for wildlife, meeting painted life size animals, playing some games and getting outside for a while. The museum is located at Columbus and Madison streets in downtown Whiteville.

• A miles-long procession escorted Highway Patrol Master Trooper Anthony Godwin home to Columbus County Thursday. Godwin died on a hunting trip Tuesday. Godwin was a Crusoe native, and one of the nicest folks you could ever hope to meet. He leaves behind his wife Heather and two children, ages two and seven.
His funeral is at 11 a.m. Saturday at Beaverdam Original Freewill Baptist Church near Chadbourn. Visitation will be 9:45-10:45 a.m. at the church. He will be interred at Lebanon Methodist Church Cemetery, 9237 James B white Highway South, Whiteville.
Donations to the family may be made to the Benefit for Anthony Godwin at any branch of the State Employees Credit Union. Make checks out to Heather Godwin.
Trooper Godwin was one of our first Good Samaritans on the Good News, after he picked up a puppy that had been tied to a bridge near Cerro Gordo on a 100 degree day. He shared his only bottle of water with the bulldog mix, and brought him to Whiteville where he was eventually adopted.
• Our hero for this week is Whiteville Police Sgt. Brianna Blanks. Sgt. Blanks is known for her kind touch with crime victims. Last Saturday, she was flagged down by a lady who saw a puppy thrown from a truck window on Bud Stephens Road. Sgt. Blanks took the puppy shopping for some food, a collar and a leash while spreading the word on social media to find her a new home. Some friends of the sergeant recently lost their own dog, and were happy to adopt the furry little refugee.

Brianna has one of the sweetest smiles around, but is still 100 percent cop. She is always what used to be called a “steady hand,” and is skilled at deescalating tense situations while still doing her duty. This is the type of police story that does our community proud, and that’s why she’s this week’s Good Samaritan.
• We’re seeing subfreezing temperatures at night for the next week, and since the thermometer is below 40, the warming station is open at Facts of Life Church in Whiteville. The shelter is open from 7 p.m. until 7 a.m. nightly at 506 N. Lee Street, Whiteville. Meals will be served at the Center, behind the main church. The Feeding Pot is also open at 2 p.m., Saturday. Call 910.918.4531.

• The Southeastern Genealogical Society will meet Jan. 11 at Whiteville Missionary Alliance Church. The speaker will be Henry Mintz. He will discuss Columbus County in the 19th century. The meeting starts at 2 p.m., but members often arrive early to share family history. Everyone is welcome.
• You have until Monday to enjoy the Leesville Light Show on New Britton Highway. Since 2009, Corey Lee’s family have decorated their homes at 7020 New Britton highway with what may be the largest Christmas display in the county. More than 50,000 lights burn there nightly. The Leesville Show is free. The lights go on at 5 p.m. daily.
• The Lake Waccamaw Depot Museum is now on its winter hours. Beginning Dec. 28, the museum will be open Saturdays 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. until February 22. The museum is on Flemington Drive at Lake Waccamaw. Admission is free.
• Starting Jan. 11, Make Heaven Crowded Ministries will host a community ladies Bible study inside Candlewood Farms Coffee and Bakery, 721 S. Madison St. in Whiteville, across the street from Merchantile on Madison. There will be Bible study, good food, coffee and fellowship from 9-10 a.m.
• Happy Home Baptist Church and Transformation Church will host an ordination service for our friend Jon Walton Jan. 19 at 6 p.m. Jon is pastor of Transformation.

The service will be at Happy Home, 2670 Happy Home Road, Nakina. You can also worship with the Transformation family every Sunday at 10 a.m.in the Lebanon Church Fellowship Hall, 9237 James B. White Highway South.
• The Veterans Memorial Park of America will host the Wall the Heals in April. The traveling wall is a program of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. The replica of the memorial in Washington along with its education center will be at the park April 25 – 27. Volunteers are needed to help people find names on the wall as well as answer questions at the visitors booth. Contact the park staff via Facebook for more information.
• Tickets are also still available for non profit night at the Fayetteville Marksmen hockey game January 11. The Marksmen will take on the Knoxville Ice Bears. A portion of all ticket sales go to the park. Call 910.840.5207 for information.
There’s always room for church announcements, civic club honors, good Samaritans, birthday parties, pageant winners, little kids with big fish – anything that makes you smile, we have room for it on the Good News. Email jeffersonweaver@columbuscountynews.com, call 910.914.69056, or just drop by our office at 1015 South Madison Street in downtown Whiteville. We like visitors.