Columbus County, NC local government news and events.
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17 NKJV My father always said the same thing to me as I was leaving. He would say, “Act [Read More]
County governments and nonprofit groups may apply for funding assistance from the N.C. Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund for farmland preservation projects beginning Oct. 12. This year’s request for proposals includes funding for [Read More]
Columbus County Sheriff’s Deputy D. Zehnder is being called a hero after saving a man form a burning home Sept. 26. Columbuscountynews.com broke this story on the day of the fire. The sheriff’s office and [Read More]
Throughout the month of October, SeHealth is sponsoring initiatives designed to promote awareness, prevention, and early detection as part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Businesses are invited to decorate with pink and community members are [Read More]
Governor, DHHS secretary brief state North Carolina can move into Phase Three of reopening in the pandemic, Gov. Roy Cooper announced today. Beginning at 5 p.m. Friday, outdoor venues with 10,000-plus seats can operate at [Read More]
Aircraft, military vehicles and even enemy combatants will be seen in Bladen County and border communities in the coming weeks, but there’s no reason to worry. The 24th Marine Expeditionary unit will be undergoing training along [Read More]
Wherever it came from, whoever is behind it, whatever the reasons – burning, looting , and threatening have no positive effects on anyone. On the 19th anniversary of the night a young deputy died, which was [Read More]
Food trucks will now be able to operate without a zoning permit in Whiteville, but only under very specific circumstances. The city council Tuesday approved a new ordinance that allows food trucks and mobile vendors [Read More]
Former Animal Control Director Joseph Prince has asked the state Attorney General to investigate alleged improper actions in the District Attorney’s office. Prince resigned as director of the department in 2017, and was arrested the [Read More]
Most of us have seen them as we drive through the country; groves of trees, sometimes tangled with honeysuckle, grapevines and wisteria, poison ivy and persimmons, surrounded by plowed rows of next year’s hopes and [Read More]
The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has designated Saturday, Sept. 26, as a Youth Deer Hunting Day for 2020. On this day, youth 17 and younger may use any legal weapon to hunt deer of either [Read More]
Between heavy marketing efforts, a presidential election, and fears of the COVID-19 virus, mail-in absentee ballots are coming into the Columbus County Board of Elections office by the box almost every day. Latest figures from [Read More]
In many cases, they have grandchildren or even great-grandchildren they never met, but a local veterans group hopes never to let their names be forgotten. Weather permitting, the Veterans Park of America will host a [Read More]
Officers are being attacked, ridiculed, injured, and killed all over this country. This must stop! Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted [Read More]
An additional 33 new cases of COVID-19 were reported since Monday, bringing the total for Columbus County to 1,304. Active cases total 188. Eight residents remain hospitalized form the virus, up from three on Monday, [Read More]
One of the most popular playgrounds in downtown Whiteville will reopen next week. Outside areas at the Museum of Science will reopen Tuesday, Sept. 22, from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. The museum announced the [Read More]
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