I will thank the Lord with all my heart; I will declare all your wondrous works. I will rejoice and boast about you; I will sing about your name, Most High. Psalm 9:1-2
By Rev. Dave Heller
As we look at celebrating Thanksgiving next week, let’s all remember what we have to be thankful for. 2020 has been a very strange year, but even through all of the difficulties, all of the uncertainties, all of the unknowns, we have so much to be thankful for.
Most of us have been able to avoid the virus. Thank the Lord! Our families are safe. Thank the Lord. We have a roof over our heads. Thank the Lord. We take so much for granted and tend to overlook the every day blessings. We should thank the Lord for all of these things and so much more!
The Pilgrims were rationed just five kernels of corn a day for several months during the hardest times of that first year in the new world. As a result, they came to appreciate and be thankful for the littlest things in their lives. Oh, how we need to have that mindset in today’s world.
We have become so accustomed to getting pretty much everything we want. We are blessed beyond measure, yet we often spend more time complaining about what we don’t have and what we can’t do, that we overlook the simple, yet important blessings of our everyday life.
Let us stop, look around, and truly appreciate the little things in our lives and give thanks to the One who provided them for us.
Let me encourage you to start a new tradition this Thanksgiving at your house: place five kernels of corn on each plate, before you put any food on there. Go around the table and ask each one to list five simple things they are truly thankful for in their life. We’ve done this at our house for years and it really causes us to stop and appreciate what we have and focus on the little things that are really important.
May your Thanksgiving be a blessed and happy one for you and your family and may we truly be thankful to God for all of His many blessings in our lives.