Back to school shopping may be lurking around the corner, but the N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences in Whiteville still has many adventures lined up through September. Catch a bug, learn about a prehistoric one, or go even further back in time and learn about some dinosaurs.
Insects have lived through so many different periods of geologic time, from the giant insects of the Carboniferous period to the ants we see today. Learn about how insects have changed over time and find out about some unusual species. This virtual program is geared towards participants ages 5–12 in the ecoEXPLORE program. Sign up for this Zoom meeting by visiting https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZMpduytqjMtGNJwEM9X0KC6oqhRlG12xII6. The virtual session will begin on Thursday, July 21, at 4 p.m.
Get the little ones outside, and let them play in nature. On Tuesday, Aug. 9, at 10:30 a.m., children are invited to come play in the Playspace Nature Popup. Early childhood education staff will lead outdoor nature play activities geared towards youngsters ages 3–5 years old. No registration required for this event.
Visit the Museum’s downtown Raleigh location to step back in time 290 million years to the age before the dinosaurs. “Life Before Dinosaurs: The Permian Monsters” highlights vivid artwork, mounted skeletons and life-sized models of a giant saber-toothed predator, saw-toothed shark and many more bizarre creatures that dominated life on land and sea before the most devastating mass extinction the world has ever known. Visitors to the Whiteville facility can also enjoy a pop-up exhibit featuring The Permian Monsters from now through Sept. 4.
Join the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Whiteville for a family movie night plus science activities. Bring your chairs or blankets and get ready to have some fun. “Raya and the Last Dragon” will be the feature on Aug. 19, and “Moana” will be in the spotlight on Sept. 16.
The museum’s lawn will be open at 8:00 p.m. for nature activities, and the feature presentation will begin at 8:30 p.m. Movies on Madison are free, and no registration is required. Refreshments will be available for sale onsite.
The museum’s “Love Nature” podcast explores the natural world by connecting listeners with experts from across fields of science, research, art and more. Listen for lively, passionate discussions as guests share their affinity for nature and their hopes for its preservation. Listeners will find our guests’ inspiration infectious, walking away with a deeper understanding of how to better navigate our ever-evolving environment and live more responsibly in it. Visit https://love-nature.org/ to listen in.
The N.C. Museum of Natural Sciences in Whiteville is located at 415 South Madison Street. They are open Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m.- 4 p.m. For more information about any of the programs and events featured, call 910.788.5100.