A Duke Power truck carefully makes its way through the Hallsboro intersection under the dark stoplights.
CCN Weather Update

Power companies hard at work

2 p.m. update Utility companies are closing the gap on restoring power across Columbus in the wake of Hurricane Isaias. Duke Progress Energy reported around 2,000 customers, including around 1,000 in the Riegelwood area, were [Read More]

CCN Weather Update

Weekly preparedness tips: planning, water and tools

Note–this is the second in a series of preparing your family for emergencies. To review last week’s installment, go to https://columbuscountynews.com/2020/07/weekly-preparedness-tips-a-place-to-put-it-all-first-aid/. Week two This week’s installment has three sections  — one, evaluating how your plan [Read More]

Covell Jones
Church News


By Rev. Phil RichardsSmyrna Baptist Church, 4924 Peacock Rd., Whiteville Every day God blesses us with 86,400 seconds to live. This is an allotment of time that God has given each of us to use…and [Read More]

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Life in Columbus

Meeting place

  Note: this section is still being developed. Please send your announcements to news@z2j.c7e.myftpupload.com. Columbus County Memorial VFW Post 8073 Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. 906 E. Fifth Street, Tabor City Columbus [Read More]