Hello to the citizens of Whiteville and Columbus County. Jefferson Weaver of Columbus County News has approached the City about writing a column to let the citizens know about what is going on in the City. This column will attempt to highlight projects, issues or other things that may need more attention.
As the City Manager, my job is to keep the public informed as much as possible regarding City business. I try to be very open about the business of the City as it is the people’s business. I hope this column will help in that regard.
As you have seen lately, there is a lot of building projects in the City. In the last two years, BB&T (now Truist) completed a $20 million project. The City has constructed City Hall and a new ABC store. Whiteville City Schools is building a new high school, Smithfield Barbeque is coming to town and much more movement is anticipated on the bypass. The construction of the new bypass will continue to change the looks along J.K. Powell Boulevard. Please be patient as that project begins to pick up steam.
Construction crews are working in close proximty to traffic so, SLOW DOWN. The same “Move Over” laws apply to utility workers as it does to law enforcement, fire or EMS. As new businesses come to town and development continues, the growth allows for a larger tax base. With the increase in tax base, the City can hold the line on the tax rate and other rates due to the increase in density.
Storm water is always a topic of discussion, especially among the downtown businesses. The City is continuing to move through the projects identified by the storm water study completed in 2018. The City Council has appropriated $225,000 to complete a project beginning on Commerce Street running over to Caldis Street. This project will continue to enhance the drainage in the downtown area. Contractors are on site now as construction begins. The City Council is committed to continued improvement of storm water controls throughout the City.
This in only scratching the surface of things that are improving in the City. I will continue to highlight various items as we continue this column. I want to thank Columbus County News and Jefferson Weaver for this opportunity. Our intent is to keep citizens up to date on news in the City.