Lawrence “Porky” Dean Ward
Lawrence “Porky” Dean Ward, age 62 of Whiteville, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 [Read More]
Lawrence “Porky” Dean Ward, age 62 of Whiteville, passed away peacefully on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 [Read More]
Robert Gene Holden, age 77, of Bolton, passed away Thursday, November 4, 2021, [Read More]
Rosemary The election didn’t turn out as we’d hoped, but I want to extend a huge thank you to everyone who volunteered and supported our campaign. Also, I want to extend a special thank you [Read More]
Annette N. Nobles, age 79 of Cerro Gordo, passed away on Wednesday, November 3, 2021 [Read More]
Arthur Ivan Robinson McKay Jr., 76, of Little River, SC passed away Sunday October 31, 2021 [Read More]
James Elbert Piver, age 83, of Whiteville, died Tuesday, November 2, 2021 [Read More]
Many residents in Columbus County were disappointed to find out that the Halloween Safe Nite was once again cancelled this Halloween, but the Boys and Girls Home of North Carolina are taking necessary measures to [Read More]
The Waccamaw Siouan Powwow may have been cancelled the last two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but that is not stopping a great community of indigenous people from celebrating their heritage. November is American [Read More]
The 2021 Pecan Harvest Festival is set to take place on Saturday, Nov. 6 in downtown Whiteville. The day will include a parade, car show, and many vendor booths for attendees to explore. Festivities [Read More]
Crystal Faircloth Emma sat on the front porch watching her glass of sweet tea sweat in the mid-afternoon sun. She slipped one foot out of her cheap plastic flip-flops and pressed it into the darkening [Read More]
Dorothy “Dot” Duncan Borino, age 93 of Chadbourn, passed away November 2, 2021 [Read More]
Cecil Norris, 67, of Tabor City, passed away Tuesday, November 2, 2021 [Read More]
Patricia Ann Kirt, age 62, of Whiteville, died November 2, 2021 in Horry County, SC. [Read More]
Two of the most hotly contested municipal elections in the county came down to the wire yesterday, with Shannon Britt and Rashad Roberts winning two seats on the Chadbourn Town council and Matt Wilson overwhelming [Read More]
Felicia W. Pierce-McKenzie, 46, formerly of Whiteville, NC, died Monday, November 1, 2021 [Read More]
Rev. Henry Vernon McKeithan (Dockie) age 76 of Nakina, died in his home Monday, November 1, 2021 [Read More]
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