As Idalia passes through the Carolinas over the next few days, keep in mind Columbus County News has you covered. Listings for cancelations and storm coverage will be available for absolutely free. Events schedule for this weekend will be pending due to inclement weather. Be sure log onto www.columbuscountynews.com to catch up on any news you’ve missed this week. Get your news delivered every morning to your inbox before your coffee ever hits your cup by signing up for our daily newsletter.
Fair Bluff will have their first ever Saturday Community Market being Sept. 2. The market will be every Saturday, weather permitting, at Riverside Drive starting at 8 a.m. Farmers, crafters, yard sellers, flea marketers, and vendors are invited to peddle wares like baked goods, canned goods, produce, flowers, crafts, and new and used items on market days. Set-up will begin at 7:30 a.m. and spots are $10 each. Participants must provide their own table, chairs, tents, and booth equipment. For more information, call Lou Horne at 910.833.4772.
Take the Lake will be gearing up over the Labor Day weekend at Lake Waccamaw. You can sign up by contacting Chad Smith at Town Hall or by visiting the website at https://www.takethelake.org/.
Lake Waccamaw Methodist Church is raising money for the Take the Lake Labor Day events. The ‘Take the Plate’ spaghetti supper will be on Sept. 1 from 5-7 p.m. at the church located at 506 Lake Shore Drive. You can eat in, take out, or make a donation.
When you’re done participating in the fitness challenges for the day, cruise the lake and go shopping. A favorite weekend pastime is coming to Lake Waccamaw in a very big way. Ginger Littrell, wife of town commissioner Terry Littrell, has helped to organize a town wide community yard sale on Labor Day Monday, Sept. 4. The treasure hunt will begin at 8 a.m., and over 100 homes in Lake Waccamaw including the Wooded Acres community will be participating. If you are a Lake Waccamaw resident who would like to join in on the event and you need more information, please contact Ginger Dortmund Littrell via Facebook Messenger.
This Sunday will be the final one for the Lakeside Ministry for the summer of 2023. The event begins at 9 a.m. at the Lake Waccamaw campground pavilion. This Sunday, Sept. 3, Rev. Dave Heller will lead and conclude the services.

In other news at the lake, the great grandchildren of John McNeill will have their third annual ‘Keep the Change’ lemonade stand fundraiser at 606 Canal Cove Road on Sunday, Sept. 3. The proceeds brought in by the kids will go towards the Lake Waccamaw Depot Museum, the Rube McCray Library, and the fire and rescue department. This event will be from 12-2 p.m.
Southeastern Community College will be holding their ACCESS apprenticeship signing on Wednesday, Sept. 6, at 11 a.m. on the SCC campus. They will be welcoming over a dozen new apprentices to the Columbus County workforce. The ceremony will take place in Building D in the auditorium. The college is located at 4564 Chadbourn Highway in Whiteville.
The Southeastern N.C. Genealogical Society will meet at the Missionary Alliance Church on Saturday, Sept. 9, at 2 p.m. Bill Thompson will present the program on his latest book Lessons From a Small Town: A Love Letter to My South. This event is free and open to the public. The church is located at 623 Warrior Trail in Whiteville.
Tabor City will be honoring first responders and veterans and remembering those who lost their lives during the 9/11 terrorists attacks on Sept. 9 at 4 p.m. There will be a nighttime parade and cruise-in featuring classic cars, trucks, and motorcycles. For more information about the event, call the Greater Tabor City Chamber of Commerce at 910.377.3012.
Bladen County Public Library will be having the Build Your Own Spider ecoEXPLORE activity on Tuesday, Sept. 12, from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Learn all about arachnids, how they help us, and build your own eight-legged friend to take home. This event is for children ages 0-12 years old. Registration is required, so call 910.862.6990 to sign up.
The Waccamaw Siouan STEM Studio will be having their annual STEM Day on Sept. 16 from 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. at the Lake Waccamaw State Park. They will be hosting over 100 Native American youth from all across North and South Carolina to participate in STEM workshops celebrating Indigenous knowledge. For more information about the event or to sign up, visit https://stemstudio.waccamaw-siouan.org/.
Mishop Springs Community Church is having a one-day fall fling at their tent revival on Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. There will be music, speakers, and lunch provided at the event. The church can be found at 2756 Pine Log Road in Whiteville.
The ‘See You at the Pole’ youth rally will be on Sept. 24 at 5 p.m. in the Whiteville Fun Factory parking lot. There will be blowups, games, food, live music and more with guest speaker Jon Goforth. The event is sponsored by the CBA and several other churches in the area. Fun Factory is located at 42 Hill Plaza in Whiteville. Be sure to meet your peers at your school’s flagpole on Sept. 27 thirty minutes before the school day starts to pray for a successful year.
Feast Down East will hold their ‘Community Cultivator’ event on Oct. 5 from 5-8 p.m. at the Azalea Station located at 1502 Castle Street in Wilmington. The free evening will include the celebration and learning about the organization’s mission to build a thriving local food system. The will be free food, live music, and raffle prizes. For more information about FDE, visit FEASTDOWNEAST.ORG.
The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY Kool 103.9 FM, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at columbuscountynews.com. Email crystalfaircloth@columbuscounty.news with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events.