The Good News for March 15

It looks like spring has sprung a little early this year. Get outside and enjoy this lovely sunshine and warmer temperatures. There is something for everyone going on in our county.

Southern Farm Days runs Friday through Sunday at the Boys and Girls Home events center at Lake Waccamaw. There will be antique tractors, classic cars and trucks,  historical demonstrations, music, vendors, educational displays, animals and much more. Gates open at 8:30 a.m. Saturday and 10 a.m. Sunday.  Admission is $10, and proceeds benefit the home.

Highway construction has the town of Lake Waccamaw under a boil order, and the Boys and Girls Home needs water. Cases can be donated at Flemington Hall during regular business hours. You can also drop cases off at the Homes’ table at Farm Days this weekend.

Caterpillar sorters are needed Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Museum of Science on Madison street in Whiteville. The Whiteville Rotary Club will be separating painted lady caterpillars  for eventual release as butterflies. The event is free and fun for all ages.

Bess Hinson Taylor will have an exhibit of her songbird art beginning Saturday at 3 p.m. at the Columbus County Arts Council on Madison Street in downtown Whiteville. The exhibit lasts through May 30. There will be children’s activities and informational programs from the Southeastern Swamp Stewards and the Museum of Natural Science throughout the exhibit. The event is free.

Ramona Sweerus and several friends tested the Whiteville Police speed trailer on Lee Street in Whiteville this week. The five runners may not have registered high on the machine’s radar, but they had a good time.

While cats and birds traditionally don’t mix very well, you can learn more about Boopers the Bad Cat at a book signing at the Arts Council March 23. Local author Sadie Leder Elder will read from her latest children’s book about the mischief making cat. There will be art activities for the kids, signed copies of Booper’s adventures for purchase, and a reading from the book. Boopers’ big day at the Arts council is from 3-5 p.m. March 23. The arts council is located at 822 South Madison street, Whiteville.

Whiteville Police chief Douglas Ipock and his wife Linda are proud new grandparents. The blessed event was announced on the Whiteville Police Facebook page Friday.

Milk B4 Meat ministries will have a chicken bog lunch starting at 11 a.m. at Murf’s Pawn on Madison Street in Whiteville. There will be free chicken bog and Bibles. There’s no charge, but donations are appreciated. Volunteers are always welcome.

Peace Fellowship Church at 5847 Red Hill Road will host a Blessing of the Animals  Saturday at 10 a.m. Please have your animals restrained or in a carrier, for everyone’s safety.

Lebanon Methodist Church will be holding a chicken bog lunch to benefit Rachel Singletary Saturday from 11 until 3. Plates are $10. The church is located at 9237 James B. White Highway South.

Nakina Fire and Rescue will have an open house Sunday from 2 until 5 p.m. You can meet the new leadership team, take a picture with Sparky the Fire Dog, enjoy free food, and the kids can explore emergency vehicles. The station is located at 214 Ramsey Ford Road, Nakina.

Whitevile Rotary club will celebrate its 100th birthday March 21 at 6 p.m. at Vineland Station in downtown Whiteville.

A new Alcoholics Anonymous chapter is starting March 22 at the Bolton Youth and Senior Center, 15354 Sam Potts Highway. Doors open at 8 p.m. After next week, the chapter will meet every Friday at the center.

The fourth annual Yah-Shoo-Nay Fish Camp is set for April 12-13. Kids can learn about fishing, the role fish play in the ecosystem, the historical role of fishing with the Waccamaw Siouan people, and more. The event is free. Snacks and equipment are provided for young anglers at no charge. Register at

Is your church hosting an egg hunt, Resurrection Day service, or cantata? Email, send us a PM on the CCN facebook page, or call us with the information. We’ll be happy to publicize it for you, at no charge.

The Tabor City Easter Egg Hunt is March 23 at 10 a.m. for ages 0-12. The Egg Hunt is FREE.  After enjoying the egg hunt, the Tabor City School Colts PTO’s Spring Carnival is offering a variety of other spring activities. The Rain Date for the Easter Egg Hunt is Saturday, March 30.

The Colts’ Spring carnival will go rain or shine. The Greater Tabor Chamber of Commerce is this year’s volunteer bunny, and the event is sponsored by  Columbus County Parks and Recreation.

The GOOD NEWS is featured every Saturday morning on WTXY, and throughout the week under the GOOD NEWS tab at

 with your church announcements, fundraisers, yard sales, club news, community celebrations, or just plain happy stories. There is no charge for publicizing your events. Give us a call at 910.914.6056, email, send us a message on Facebook, or drop by our office at 1015 South Madison in downtown Whiteville.

About Jefferson Weaver 2672 Articles
Jefferson Weaver is the Managing Editor of Columbus County News and he can be reached at (910) 914-6056, (910) 632-4965, or by email at